Monday, September 15, 2008

Why Evangelists hate America….

Why Evangelists hate America….

1. The US Constitution claims that all men are equal. Which, for an evangelist, is silly, for every body knows that non-believers will be put to death. In fact, they pray for Jesus to return, in order to kill at least 90% of humanity. A good evangelist prays for this genocidal act daily. Which I find weird, the Vice Presidetntial candidate praying for the deaths of billions of people.
2. The USA was founded on religious freedom and separation of church and state. It allows other religions to operate. The Bible says that all non-believers will be put to death, so the idea the United States of America was founded on the precept of religious freedom is overruled by the bible.

3. The U.S. Constitution does not recognize that God’s law is paramount.

4. It allows woman control over their bodies.

5. It allows evil books in it’s libraries.

6. It has not used its nuclear arsenal to fulfill God’s Plan. I mean, c’mon, what’s all this waiting around? It’s up to us to do it.

Evangelicals, if the truth be told, hate their Country. Patriots? Please. The Bible is where their allegiances lay. Which brings up the old Sinclair Lewis quote. The bell ringer of the day, “ Fascism will arrive in this country carrying a bible and draped in flag.” Sadly, it was my old party, nee the Grand Old Party, who let it in.

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