John McCain’s a Republican Patriot? Yea. Right.
When I was a Republican, pre-2003, we would not have tolerated someone who…
-Voted in lockstep with a President who took the Federal Debt from $5.7 Trillion to $9.5 trillion, in 8 years. (darn liberals!) (PS. It’s $11 bill when you count the nationalization of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae.) Nationalized? Like France? But isn’t that socialism? Yup.
-Says “The issue of economics is not something I’ve understood as well as I should,”
-Did not mention, not once, the extremely dangerous deficit in his Convention speech. What happened to Gramm-Rudman? Times have changed huh? The greatest threat to our nation did not get mentioned? Did the Wall Street Journal note as much? Did they notice who McCain’s economic adviser was? Gramm. The hypocrisy meter just exploded.
-Voted to pursue the ‘debacle by choice’ of an Iraq War while Bin Laden and Zawahari continue to mock us from Afghanistan. ( 5.5 years, 1 tril, 4200 dead, Iran emboldened, and no surge parade?)
-Supported Bush’s efforts to hide the fact that he was standing on the wall when the nation got attacked. The Repubs let us down as low as we could go! National Security? Please.
-Supported a President who squandered 232 years of good will. Who wants to buy American stuff? No one. Obama puts the USA right back at the top of the heap. Do we want to lead the world, or be hated by it?
-Claims State ownership over my wife and daughter’s womb. (and we fought the Cold War because….?)
-Reneged on his pledge to remove the language in the Republican platform that demands my wife carry and birth a rapists’ child. (Fascist liar-that’s freedom?)
-Is an adulterer, having divorced his wife after a disfiguring car accident. (Oh my god. He’s one mean ‘maverick.’) What’s odd is that Palin’s ‘literal’ bible says we should stone him to death.
-Supported a President who used fear against the American people. (‘the only thing to fear is fear itself’ being what a real Patriot would say. )
-Gave up on whatever last principle he had in order to get elected. Country First? Please. Do we look that stupid? Do you really think that your base is that stupid?
--Whose VP has no experience after saying that ‘experience was the most important thing.’
-Called his 2nd wife a c*nt in public for joking about this hair.
-Roughly pushes ladies in wheelchairs when they displease him
-Has written extensively about his temper tantrums and rash decisions. (unstable)
-Chose someone who had met only once to be a heartbeat from the Presidency.
-Called the religious right agents of intolerance. Only to pandered to them in 2008, in a move that re-ignited the culture war in our nation. He’s not only willing to give up his most base principles, he is willing to declare civil war on his own nation in order to win.
John McCain ain’t no Patriot in the sense of loving his country more than he loves power, nope, he’s a Patriot in that’ last refuge of a scoundrel’ kind of way. What’s weird is that Republican’s like him at all. He’s not conservative. He’s a contortionist.
The problem being that the country can’t survive another 4 years of the Repubs duping the world. We went from 5.7 trillion in debt to 11 trillion in eight years. The Repubs have given way the shop, socialists to the core, like it or not. And to the Middle Class? Wow, I can’t believe for one second that anyone would vote for the Centi-Millionaire McCain. Unless they do.
Unless he wins. At which point the country will have made it’s choice. They will have chosen to continue down the path of recklessness. And our country will be a third world nation by 2020. Socialized, and fascistized, by Republicans of all things!
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